Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Good Conspiracy

By now you've probably guessed that my blog is themed around "Good Stuff." I didn't really plan it, but thats what I'm sticking with.

Today I saw a documentary that opened my eyes to a very extreme point of view that I had never entertained myself with. I'm glad I took the approximate hour and a half to watch it, because it was a well organized and amazingly executed documentary on a 9/11 conspiracy theory.

Loose Change - 2nd Edition

There have been several conspiracy theories against the government that have gone largely unnoticed due to unfactual and opinionated statements...and even personal attacks. I respect the authors stance on this issue, but I hold him in high regard because of the way he presented his story. There was nothing in this documentary that jumped out and screamed for a political feud, because everything that was contested was cited in articles and audio or video feeds.

I'm still not completely convinced that the 9/11 attacks were planned by our government, and I don't think I will be for a long time. But I hope you all take some time to watch this, and I dare you to second guess yourselves. The events in the fall of 2001 happened so fast that we as a country may have overlooked a huge psycological attack from our own government.


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